Friday, March 7, 2014

So, you've always wanted to fly?

Same here. Ever since I can remember, I've dreamed of flying. Being able to soar like an eagle (funny how it's always an eagle). I've always wondered what it would be like to just spread my arms out and take off. I would imaging landing on high areas and being able to see everything.

I've lived in some windy areas. I can remember as a kid holding my jacket out into the wind and trying to get some lift. Or as we would drive along sticking my hand out the window making it move up and down depending on how I tilted it.

My father and I used to go to the hang glider launch sites and sit there all day watching them. The expense seemed out of reach and I was too young at the time.

Kites were the next best thing. I eventually found dual string stunt kites. They were great. You could feel the power of the wind in the strings. Being able to do loops and turns is great fun.

Then I found power or traction kites. Now these things can pull! You can even use them to power you around on trikes or surfboards.

I looked into ultralights several times but the expense, and size of storage once again killed the dream.

Paramotoring is a different animal altogether though. In the last few years, the safety of these massive kites, parafoils really, have come a long way. The cost is reasonable as well. And the size of storage is minimal.

So, here begins my journey into soaring via paramotoring (powered paragliding), paragliding, and paratriking (paramotor mounted to a trike).