Monday, June 30, 2014

6th, 7th, & 8th Day Kiting / Ground Handling Paraglider

Out kiting / ground handling the Edel Power Atlas paraglider again.

Day 6 kiting. Out with the harness again. Only had a few minutes.

Day 7 kiting. Decided to just kite by hand today. Went well enough. Got a couple of good inflations with several not so good ones. Had an audience of kids to watch. The kids really get a kick out of it.

Day 8 kiting. After hand kiting for a bit I put on the harness and tried running down the hill with a forward launch. Tried to get some lift... just enough to land on my butt. LOL

Monday, June 23, 2014

5th Day Kiting / Ground Handling Paraglider

This was my 5th day out with the Edel Power Atlas paraglider wing kiting / ground handling it. Actually it was more like a dance.

This field is a little more open but is lower and surrounded by houses and trees. I'm getting a little better but it took a bit to get a feel for it today. I haven't had that much time kiting yet, about 2 hours so far.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

4th Day Kiting / Ground Handling Paraglider

Found a great overlook near my home that is higher than the surrounding area. Not the biggest area though. I need to get better at handling the wing to be able to work in such a confined area. Almost ended up in the trees. Strong winds are fun though.

When I got back to the house I decided it was time to try the motor on my back and get a feel for what it was like. The thrust is addicting! Still haven't taken it to full throttle yet.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Paramotor Training, What I Looked for

Wow! There are a lot of options when it comes to training. And then again, not really.

Unless you have plenty of time and resources it might be kind of daunting trying to find training that fits in your budget or time constraints. If your lucky enough to live near a trainer, that certainly helps.

Once again, I used Google to start looking. You can find all sorts of stuff using Google. Good and bad, and even crazy. YouTube is great too.

The first training I came across was in California and Mexico with Dale Shanze. He has some awesome videos and is quite the character. He boasted of being the best and is pretty clear that his is the only way and his is the safest equipment. It was also expensive on top of the cost of getting to California. He also touted that the only legitimate pilot rating system was one from his organization (WPPGA). Or that the wrong rating was from the other organization (USPPA) (more on this later).

The next one I found was slightly closer to me and offered free training if I bought equipment from him. Capt. Kurt Fister has some good videos and demonstrated why his equipment was the only type to get. He also boasted of being the best and down played the pilot rating systems of any organization. I already had equipment and I still had to travel or pay for his travel to get the training.

Next was Blackhawk Paramotor in California. They have some great package deals at good prices. They also have some great videos. Once again I would have to travel to get the training. They didn't even really talk about pilot ratings although they mention that they are USPPA certified.

So what is the deal with pilot certification? I started looking into it and this is what I found. The sport or activity of paramotoring falls under the FAA regulation 103 for ultralight vehicles. In a nut shell, we don't need any kind of license to fly the paramotors or paragliding. There are certain rulles we do need to abide by to keep from getting fined. But other than that, nothing. You could buy your gear and be in the air the same day if you were so inclined. Now, it that safe? Not likely.

So, what is the fuss all about? I tend to fall in line with Capt. Kurt when he talks about not regulating a sport that doesn't require regulating. However I understand why the USPPA started the rating that they use. They saw the desire to be able to demonstrate through a rating how much experience and knowledge a pilot had. This could be used for insurance purposes, training, and other areas where having a rating gives clout to the sport and the pilot. I think the beef comes from the idea that the only way to get a rating was from already rated trainers and there is a cost associated with the training.

Personally, I'm not too concerned about a rating. I'd rather show you a flight log demonstrating my experience. I do see the benefit in it though. If someone told me I needed a certain rating to participate in something I probably just wouldn't participate. But, if an airport that I wanted to fly from required a certain rating I hope that I already had the rating. What a catch 22!

Ok, back to the training...

I guess I'm looking for inexpensive training form experienced trainers. Close enough for me to get to easily. I found Souther Skies who sell the Fresh Breeze and Edel equipment that I have. They were a little closer and offered daily training prices that were enticing. It would still be an overnight situation which would incur more costs. I was looking at upwards of $300 a day for training. Not too bad, but it could add up quick.

I kept searching. The interesting thing I found from a couple of sites when they talked about their training was that it was important to them that you got local training. I could appreciate that. Not only would this start a relationship with someone near by that you could always bounce things off of but it would also allow you to train more regularly with the same people.

Frustration. Now I wanted to find someone nearby and I had already searched and wasn't having any luck. Then I started looking in some PPG forums to see if there were any trainers in TN. Even better if they were in Nashville. I found one guy that was at least flying in my area and contacted him and he put me in touch with Dan Decker of Tennessee PPG. I contacted Dan and started the conversation about training. He offered a one time price for training that would get me well trained in trike and foot launches with follow up training if needed.

Now I'm just waiting for the weather to cooperate! Can't wait!